Half Marathon Training Schedule

Training For A Half Marathon – Learn Your Craft To Get The Fastest Results

Training for a half marathon is very different to most other sporting activities. In order to be a successful half marathon runner you essentially need to be able keep running at a steady pace for 13.1 miles. At first it doesn’t matter how fast you do it, the main aim of beginner half marathon runners is to simply get round the course.

 The Ultimate Guide to Half Marathon Training For Beginners... 

5 Simple Schedules
 - An Easy Step By Step Running Plan

Training For A Half Marathon
Want To Discover How You Can -

  • Run Further   
  • Breathe Easier   
  • Avoid Stopping and...   
  • Feel Stronger -   

Click this link NOW to find out more - Half Marathon Training

Whereas with other sports there is an element of skill that can be worked upon to get an edge and give you an advantage over others.

Running a half marathon requires no particular skills, in fact anyone who is healthy and fit enough with a mind to do it could actually run a half marathon.

This is what makes running such a unique and fantastic sport to take part in because running relies purely on improving your fitness and stamina levels so you can keep going for longer and hopefully quicker.

If you don’t want to end up struggling to complete your training for a half marathon, then these 4 tips will help you to do it well...

Keep Your Body Guessing – Stir Things Around

It’s a fact that to be a good distance runner you need to have exceptional levels of stamina and endurance but these can be developed easily.

However running isn’t the only way to improve the heart and lungs ability to work this way. You can just as easily do this by using exercises like rowing, cycling or swimming so use these as well.

Think About What You Are Doing - Follow A Plan

It’s not like it used to be, these days you don’t train for a race by simply plodding along aimlessly day after day, trying to grind out mile after mile. Recent research and studies have changed the way that half marathon training is successfully done.

The biggest problems facing runners such as overusing the same muscles and joints every day just puts the body at risk of injury. When you use advanced training techniques like the ones shown in my new running program - ‘Half Marathon Training For Beginners’ you will notice rapid improvements in your speed, energy and stamina levels AND you’ll actually be able to cut down the amount or running that you need to do.

Have Rest Days Every Now And Then

Having rest days is important not only to allow your body to recover but also for giving your joints a break and refuelling energy stores.

Don’t Stagnate – Keep Pushing Onwards

There’s one main reason why so few runners manage to build up their distances to the point of being able to run a half marathon and that’s because they never go past their comfort zone. Once you’ve pushed the boundaries of what your body can do once, it gets much easier to do each time in the future.

If you want to know more about training for a half marathon, then my new half marathon running guide ‘Half Marathon Training For Beginners' is an excellent choice...

You’ll find it a great resource to help you plan your training but also it's a fantastic reference guide for the times when you need inspiration and new ideas to make your workouts more interesting.

Don't you think you’d be a better runner if you knew...

  • What to eat and when  
  • How, why and when to train so you get fitter, stronger and more confident 
  • What to do to avoid picking up niggling injuries  
  • How to build up to race day distance in the shortest amount of time  

Then why not grab a copy of 'Half Marathon Training for Beginners’ – A half marathon training schedule which gets you results – FAST.